What Is Dotor?

Dreamy school 2020-2 creative activity / Jee jeong hun, Ko you seok

현실적으로 의사가 되기 위해서는 어떠한 부분들을 알아야하는지 공부하고, 의사라는 직업 자체가 어떤 직업인지 알아가는 수업으로. 다양한 의대 종류, 의학 종류 등을 집중 탐구하면서 의사로서 섬김의 삶을 어떻게 실천할지 계획을 세워보았습니다. 최종적으로 우리가 지금까지 탐구했던 의사라는 직업에 대한 정보들을 기반으로 블로그를 만들며, 분야별로 실습도 하고 좋은 의사 선생님들을 만나 인터뷰를 하면서 수업을 진행하였습니다.

In reality, it is a class to learn what parts to know in order to become a doctor, and to find out what kind of job a doctor is in itself. I made a plan on how to practice the life of serving as a doctor by focusing on various types of medical school and medical science. Finally, we created a blog based on the information on the job of doctors we have explored so far, practiced in each field, and met with good doctors and interviewed them.
About "What is Dotor?" image
"와디즈 닥터"라는 수업은 의사를 직업으로 꿈꾸는 학생들이 모여서 함께 탐구해보는 수업입니다. 성경 말씀을 보면 예수님께서도 많은 환자와 병자들을 고쳐주셨다는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 우리는 이와같이 예수님의 발자취를 따라 의료선교를 통해 사람들에게 생활 속 의학지식을 베푸며 몸과 마음이 하나님의 성전이 되도록 돕는 역할을 하고 환자들의 아픈 몸 뿐만 아니라 영혼까지 치료해줄 수 있길 바라는 마음으로 이 수업을 시작합니다.

"What is Doctor" is a class where students who dream of becoming doctors gather and explore together. According to the Bible, you can see that Jesus also cured many patients and sick people. As such, we begin this class with the hope that we can follow Jesus' footsteps and give people medical knowledge in life, help the body and mind become God's temple, and heal not only the sick body but also the soul of the patients.

과자, 내 아이를 해치는 달콤한 유혹

What temptation would the snacks we commonly encounter in our daily lives be?


How perfect is this medical community?

이왕재 교수님의 비타민C 이야기

Let's treat my body with nutrients, vitamin C, not medicine.

Interviews with medical staff

Yoon Yong-soon, director of planning at Jesus Hospital (specialist in rehabilitation medicine)


Oriental medicine perspective = 'healing' to prevent disease rather than treating it

Doctor traing process

This is the data used to investigate the Doctor traing process

더 보기  

Modern medical law

The latest 2021 healthcare laws


What is the basic idea of being a doctor?

What ideas, values, ideologies, etc. should a doctor have? And to fulfill my mission as a Christian doctor...


What do you do according to the Doctor training process?

Main student, intern, resident, fellow, associate professor, full professor...


To revise the law from a Christian perspective after studying modern medical law and medical society

What is the level of the medical system and society in Korea?


What is the basic idea of being a doctor? - Thesis

After researching individually on what is the basic idea of being a doctor, he wrote a Thesis.


Treatment Exploration Area

이왕재 교수님의 비타민C 이야기, 환자혁명, 과자, 내 아이를 해치는 달콤한 유혹





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